Welcome to the
Irish South African Association
Connecting the Irish in South Africa
Our Purpose
To promote Irish culture in all its forms, including sports, literature, theatre, dance and music. To act as a forum and contact point for all things Irish and of Irish interest.
The ISAA was founded in Cape Town in 2001. Most of the functions and events organised at that time took place in or around the Mother City. Organically the organisation grew throughout the country and in November 2008 a Gauteng Chapter of the ISAA, based in Johannesburg was started.
A Kwa-Zulu Chapter in Durban followed in 2011. Each chapter acts with full autonomy and operates independently of the others, although they have close contact with each other and meet annually to discuss policy.
Although we share the website, events are planned locally, so please check the events calendar of your local chapter or follow us on Facebook.
Throughout the year the ISAA have various social and sporting events to promote Irish culture in all its formats. Our flagship event is St. Patrick’s Day when throughout the world, and South Africa is no exception, the Irish and non-Irish celebrate our National Day. Details of forthcoming events are posted regularly on Facebook and our website.
We invite you to become a member to enhance our organisation and celebrate being Irish in South Africa.
Should you have any questions or queries regarding the Association or if you would like to take a active role, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our Community

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Please sign up for our Newsletter and like our Facebook page to receive the latest news and updates from the Association.
Our Sponsors
We are seeking corporate sponsors for 2024. If you or your company are interested in the opportunity for unique branding and positioning at our events and on this website, please get in touch with us.
Recent/previous sponsors include: